If on the other hand you want to include ties into the whole calculation the formula gets a bit more complicated It is usually assumed that a tie is worth the same as 12 of a winIn such a case you can use our percentage calculator or evaluate the percentage by hand in the following way winning percentage wins 05 ties games

Seriously doubt a 5 stack of gold Redditors running a comp like this is gonna have a 100 QM winrate If you know of any 5 stackers of all Gold or lower players with 90 winrate over 500 games running some weird comp Id love to know about it in a DM or otherwise if youre so inclined itd be interesting to see

Winrate Average price Historic Spellslinger Removal Legends Lifegain Flying Topdeck Humans Wizards Soldiers 50 138 1 spiciness 13Oct 2024 533 Top32 4 3 57 deck By Moe12 BO3 MTGO Modern Challenge 64 12696046 71 58 100 X28 BO3 Jeskai Control By FabioMTG 7º Torneio 11ª Liga Arena Guardians Arena Guardians

I challenge those reading to make a deck with this same goal and see how close we can get to making a deck with 100 winrate The Strategy Insane deck That wins 93 of the time in my trials test it out in play tester if your doubtful The strategy to win the game is simple mulligan until you get a hand with a wheel effect and some leftover

Gusto best deck 100 saga win rate rFarfa Reddit

More than 50 Legacy Saga Storm decks from top tabletop MTGA and MTGO tournaments More than 50 Legacy Saga Storm decks from top MTGA MTGO and pauper tournaments Best Matchups by Winrate Nadu Breakfast 100 3 matches View all winrates Show all Winrate Average price

1 borrow 069 of shaggys strength 2 deal damage pow pow 3 defeat enemies backup plan hypothetically if you feel bad and lose on purpose blame your teammate for not clutching

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Winrate 100% 138 Saga

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997 winrate over 700 games in qm rheroesofthestorm Reddit

How is it even possible to hold 100 Winrate especially at BronzeSilver Elo where People AFKQuit on a regular basis Is there more to it Especially because he doesnt seem to climb very fast and his mmr seems to be normal aswell Edit Even for Smurfs i find it pretty impossible to get exactly 100 winrate

Gusto best deck 100 saga win rate Share Add a Comment Be the first to comment Nobodys responded to this post yet 100 winrate destroy deck youtu comments rClashMini rClashMini Amazing pull from 100 random pack upvotes

Winrate 100% 138 Saga

Winning Percentage Calculator

Almost 100 Winrate MTG Arena Deck List

Arena Standard 100 Winrate v2 deck by Sonio MTG DECKS

Guide 100 WINRATE EZ PRO TIP Steam Community

MTG Modern Jeskai Control 237 top decks

This Guy has 100 Winrate in over 50 Games How is this possible